Saturday, March 23, 2024



In their childhood, Michelle and her brother developed a nomenclature for cats and their "parts." 

"Cabs" are black and white cats named after the coloration of taxi-cabs.

Smirkets are black cats and a cat's anus is called a "twidget."

This proclivity endured. Sometimes though, instead of making up words they'll assign new definitions. So it is with "nicherin."

A sect of Buddhism, Michelle re-assigned the term to apply to the wrinkling that builds on a cat's face at the top of its nose when annoyed or simply created, as in this case, by "zooming" (see: Zooming).

Now you know.

Michelle says, "This is Comet. She's the one who said 'Snaaaaaa' three times last night, and once this morning.  But then when I served mush and presented a cat toy, the scales fell from her eyes and she realized I am useful after all."

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June's Senior Cat Rescue (JSCR)

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