Saturday, November 18, 2023

*Decoding Your Cat* by Serpell & Seracusa

This 19.February.2020 article is an interview with  two University of Pennsylvania professors about "science's" attempts to explain cats' behaviors. In an effort to popularize their research, Professors James Serpell & Carlo Siracusa co-wrote Decoding Your Cat (July, 2020, Harvest).

From Amazon's page:

Written by the leading experts in cat behavior from the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, with an introduction by animal expert Steve Dale, this book conveys the newest and best information on cat behavioral science in a fun, interesting, and understandable way. Together with anecdotes from real life situations and the science behind how cats relate to their world, Decoding Your Cat empowers owners to provide a home environment that is happy, safe, and functional, to identify and seek treatment for medical health problems, to understand how to deal with unwanted behaviors, and in general to help cats live longer and fuller lives.

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