Sunday, May 28, 2023


Georgie can be quite congenial. And she can also be a real Stinkpot.  A couple of days ago I opened the sliding glass door to get some fresh air and Georgie immediately demanded that I open the screen and let her out. I politely told her "no".  She voiced her annoyance, then jumped up on her cat tower, which is by the door, and took a swing at me. Luckily, I backed up in time to avoid getting lacerated.  When that still didn't get her what she wanted, she got down and flounced off.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Michelle writes...

Stevie is a dilute Tortie/Siamese mix. The first time I sat her, she was an under-the-bed cat.  On the last day, just as I was about to leave, she came out, caroling at the top of her voice, to assess me from a safe distance.  This time, she came out at the end of the first visit, with a lot to say, and has been quite the schmoozepot since!


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Lumpy, Max & Poe

Lumpy is the Tort, Max is the Orangeola and Poe is the Black & White.

Tap the image & spread w two fingers to "largen." 

Lumpy in the corner; Max getting down and Poe on top of the back.





Spliffoes are the poochie parts on either side of a cats face from whence their whiskers emerge. Usually quite firm, they can, after an exha...